Patient Resources
Bronchial thermoplasty is a new procedure meant for patients with severe or persistent asthma. It has been shown to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks and significantly improves asthma-related quality of life. This effect is sustained for at least 5 years. In addition, There is an 84% reduction in emergency room visits for respiratory-related symptoms AND 66% fewer days lost from work, school and daily activities.
Because of ongoing airway inflammation, individuals with asthma have excessive smooth muscle surrounding their airways. During an attack, the airway smooth muscles contracts, leading to severe narrowing of the airways. BT works by delivering mild heat to the smooth muscles of the airways of the lungs, leading to a reduction in the amount of excessive smooth muscle. With less smooth muscle, the airways constrict less during an attack, making breathing easier.
BT treatment is delivered via bronchoscopy. This is mainly a day surgical procedure and no incisions are involved. For safety, three different sessions are needed, with each sessions treating a different part of the lung. Each session should be a minimum of three weeks apart.
The most common side effect of BT are a temporary worsening of respiratory-related symptoms such as cough, wheeze or shortness-of-breath. This side effect typically occurs within a day of the procedure and should improve after a week.
You can also visit for more information
Suite 07-14, Gleneagles Medical Centre, 6, Napier Road, Singapore 258499.
WhatsApp: +65 9643 3920
Phone: +65 6473 9984
Suite 15-11, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, 3, Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510.
+65 6732 5788
Suite 04-33, Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre, 38, Irrawaddy Road, Singapore 329563.
+65 6734 4788
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